20 goals to inspire you to reach for a healthy and happy 2015

Hello friend!

So I’m guessing you rate HEALTH and HAPPINESS as priority #1 and #2 for yourself and your family?  But!… Do your values match your actions?

Here are 20 goals to inspire you to reach for a HEALTHY AND HAPPY 2015!

Remember, as a parent, you might need to work on your own health and happiness before you can possibly pass this onto your family…

Pick a goal, small or large and write it down.  Not only do your thoughts become your reality, but when you write them down, it is 10000x more likely to happen (well thereabouts!).

Here’s some ideas, but please consider what is important to YOU!

  1. I will make some food from scratch. Kale chips, coconut yoghurt, beetroot dip…
  2. I will be a ‘good enough’ parent who doesn’t stop to feel bad over what I haven’t managed to achieve and I will focus on MY skills, rather than someone else’s. No more PERFECTION!
  3. I will buy the ‘Dirty Dozen’ foods organically, to reduce my family’s toxic burden.
  4. I will take time out for myself. Exercise, meditation, socialising, reading, whatever makes my heart sing and my soul happy.
  5. I will give out love more freely. My children do not have to ‘behave’ to still be loved.  I will offer a hug, even when they have slipped up.
  6. I will BREATHE more often. I will not let frustration get me worked up nearly as often.  I will own my reactions to my children’s behaviour.
  7. I will increase the variety of foods I offer my children, by thinking outside the box.
  8. I will visit a health food store, even just to take in what there is to offer.
  9. I will try natural sunscreen, to avoid the chemical onslaught of the ‘toxic’ ones.
  10. I will buy some Epsom salts, for a relaxing, detoxing bath for the whole family (not all at once!).
  11. I will consider an elimination test if I suspect a food is not so good for myself or my little ones.
  12. I will practice mindfulness and show my children I do not need to make judgements, but can understand where people are coming from. Everyone is fighting their own battle…
  13. I will use my intuition, my ‘gut feeling’, to help navigate tricky parenting decisions.
  14. I will introduce probiotics to my family or look into eliminating candida and parasites.
  15. I will find gratitude every day. And model this to my family.  There will be less need for materialism.  More time for the ‘little things’.
  16. I will model naming my feelings in front of my children. And encourage them to do the same.
  17. I will make my first chicken broth..and then keep it coming, in the winter!
  18. I will build my family’s immunity through extra greens, broth, probiotics, alkalising foods such as lemon and reducing sugar.
  19. I will nurture my relationship with my partner…and take time out from the kids.
  20. I will keep following The Healthy Caterpillar for my ideas and inspiration on the above!

What will your goal be?  I’d looooove to know.  Maybe I could help you?  The more people I can inspire and help this year, the happier I will be too.  So help me to help you…

Leave a comment or send a message and I’ll aim to write some ideas to help you achieve your 2015 goals!

PS – I’ve been offline for a bit, changing I Raise My Kids over to The Healthy Caterpillar.  At this point, you can find me on Facebook at The Healthy Caterpillar.  I am still working towards a blog and website, whilst I study to become a family health coach.  Thanks for your patience 🙂 Heidi